Lit Halloween Cauldron Project – Witch’s Brew and Spiders!

Lit Halloween Cauldron Project - Witch's Brew and Spiders!

Lit Halloween Cauldron Project – Witch’s Brew and Spiders!

Spiders, witches brew, and lights, oh my!

We love Halloween! In the southern part of the US, we will do anything we can to pretend it's really not summer any longer even though the mercury might still be in the high 80's.

Putting together this fun cauldron project to light our living room was a fun way to kick off October.

We'll take this project outside the evening of October 31st but until then, this is inside decor.


  • A Plastic Cauldron - easily found at your local hobby and craft store
  • A string of white lights on black wire
  • Fluffy fake spider web - also found at the hobby store
  • Fake spiders - these come in all sorts of colors but we went traditional black
  • Extension cord

The spooky cauldron.

The lights!

The spooky spider web and spiders.

Everything ready to go!


Put the lights in the cauldron. You don't have to be artistic. Just lay them in there. If you have lights with any other wire color, those will work just fine.

These are incandescent lights so they will warm up under operation. Be sure to turn any lights off when you head to bed and don't operate them without supervision when children are present.

A set of chasing lights will add a "boiling" effect. Take a look at how chasing lights make "fire" in this fun lit cauldron project.

Next, tuck in the fake spider web on top of the lights.

Add spiders. We tangled these spiders into the webbing before we even got to this step. We didn't mean to but these things happen. We didn't want to make everything weird and untidy looking removing them. So, you'll have to imagine what this was like before we started playing with the spiders.

Artistic Critique: We like the juxtaposition of small and large spiders against the simulated boiling witch's brew. (Now, it's art and definitely belongs in the living room.)

Doesn't that look just like witches potion!!!

Use an extension cord to plug in the lights.

Plug in lights. You're finished.

Wasn't that quick and easy?

Here's another photo. Because we can. Have a lovely Halloween, Everyone.

If you try this project at home, please share your photos in the comments below.

With all the talk about Witch's Brew, it's time for a recipe to enjoy after all that hard work.

Witch’s Brew Cocktail


An easy to make, sweet cocktail for Halloween!

  • Highball or Rocks Glass (choice will determine how much soda you add)
  • 1 oz Midori
  • 1 oz Vodka
  • Juice of 1/2 a lemon
  • Juice of 1/2 a lime
  • Sparklng water or soda
  • ice
  1. Add ice to glass.

  2. Pour over the rest of the ingredients then add soda water to the top of the glass.

As an alternative with no rocks, pour everything but soda water over ice in a shaker, shake and pour. Top off with soda.


Check out the video of this project!