These blue-green craft lights are a great choice for projects where you'd like to step outside of the traditional and use this wonderful pastel color for Christmas, Easter, or your next party.
Available in both LED and glass, choose the right string for the job based on the number of bulbs and project size. We love mixing them with red for a Southwestern look.
Decorating with Teal Craft Lights
- Mix a strand with some plastic chili peppers (or better yet, the chili pepper lights your Great Aunt gave you in last yearÄ�€â„¢s Chinese gift exchange) and get ready for a street taco party or a decorate for Cinco de Mayo. (Don't forget good guacamole and roast some corn and make helotes!)
- If you have an indoor tree - think small orange or lemon - with pretty substantial branches, consider accenting them with one or two strands of lights. With just 35 lights to the strand the set won't overwhelm the tree. If you have a larger tree, you may need to try one of our standard 50-light strands for full coverage.
- Use a set of teal craft lights on green wire to accent an outdoor topiary. Most entryways have an outdoor plug so youÄ�€â„¢ll be able to add light to your entrance without running an extension cord.
- Paint small branches white and wind lights around them. Center the branches in Plaster of Paris set in inexpensive plastic pots. Set the pots in decorative ceramic planters and use the tree sculpture to accent the end of a buffet table. If you want to make this type of arrangement into a centerpiece, you'll need to use battery lights as opposed to craft lights to keep your party tripping-guests-free.