Another year of recycling is in the bag! In 2019, customers sent in and we recycled over 8000 pounds of used Christmas lights. All of the proceeds were used to purchase over $3000 worth of educational books, and project kits from Usborne Books that were delivered to friendly Marines at Toys for Tots.
Thanks go out to our friend and Usborne Consultant, Becky Dean, who helped us choose the best books for children in the 10-14 year range. (That's the age range that frequently received the least donations.)
Here is our last load of recycling as Dave drops it off at the recycler.

We had to use Dave's packing-the-trunk superpower to transport the books to Toys for Tots.

A couple of boxes belted in for safety!

The Toys for Tots warehouse.

Unloading the books and educational activity kits 2 weeks before Christmas distribution.

This yearly traditional has been one of my favorite days of the year for over 10 years.

Thank you to all the Marines who make Toys for Tots the successful nationwide project that it is for infants to teens.
All of us at Christmas Light Source would like to take time to thank all Servicemen for their service.
Thank you as well to all the folks who have sent in their Christmas lights to be responsibly and locally processed/recycled. You've kept them out of a landfill and turned them into Christmas morning smiles.
The Christmas Light Source Christmas Lights Recycling Program continues to accept lights for 2020.