Succulents, dome jar, a brass tray and battery lights!

Succulents, dome jar, a brass tray and battery lights!

My faux succulents finally arrived. If I could make the word succulent into a -mageddon type word to describe what happened to my real succulents I would. Then again, let's try. SUCCUGEDDON No. Succulentogeddon. That's terrible. It just sucks. They just all died. That's what happened. I purchased lovely faux replacements that arrived this past week. I also found a cool brass tray at IKEA and another glass dome that begs to be lit from within. Perhaps if I had put my succulents in domes, they might have had better luck? This project is simple once you acquire the materials and for me, this project is one I've left out on my coffee table to enjoy in the evenings even if I'm not taking its photo.


  • A tray of your choice. Brass is trendy and nicely reflective.
  • Succulents - real or fake
  • A string of fairy battery lights - we used white, yellow would work great as well - as would red or blue depending on the Season
  • Tiny pots for your succulents - this is optional if you are using fake but I realized as I was writing this blog that while they looked just fine and got the point across nestled onto the tray, the fake plants needed their own happy pots for full realism. I have included an updated photo at the end of this post.


Polish your new brass Ikea tray or dust off your wooden one. Assemble your plants! Choosing a variety of textures and colors when putting together your assortment. Install batteries in your lights, turn them on and install them in your dome. Note we made the wires into circles for this project. This domed container is also available at IKEA. Add your components to the tray. What do you think? Do the plants need pots? In the living room. I see a serious need for a tree skirt in this photo. Photo with little white pots. We haven't taken any measures to hide the battery box in this project. We find that at night it's not really that obvious. I'm looking at it right now. I'm just seeing the firefly lights. The focus is not on the battery box. Share how you'd use this project and let us know if you have better luck with your succulents.