Christmas wreaths have been making a comeback and trying to decide between real or artificial wreaths can be difficult. There are a number of advantages and disadvantages to either of the two options. The choice ends up being one of personal preference. Here are some of the advantages to real and artificial wreaths.
Real Christmas Wreaths
Smell absolutely wonderful. They are bright green, inviting, and warm and have a delightful texture to them. You can decorate them any way you like with mini lights, ribbons, bows or even tree decorations. You can feel the life within a Christmas wreath made of evergreens.
They are also easy to make though they do take a bit more work to make then artificial wreaths. The biggest downside is that because they are alive they are not reusable. You can create a new one each year following the same design or a different one but they will have to be replaced every year. The good news is if you use a live Christmas tree you have plenty of material to build your wreath.
Artificial Christmas Wreaths
Artificial wreaths are quick, easy, come in a large variety of styles, pre-made with decorations, multiple colors, and sizes. They are made of a variety of materials including plastic and cloth. There are some advantages to these. They fit with absolutely any décor because you can find one that works with your decorating theme. They can be reused year after year because they are not alive. They also usually do not lose their needles the way that live Christmas wreaths can.
Artificial Christmas wreaths like real or natural Christmas wreaths can be outfitted with lights but you need to consider the temperature of the lights and the material being used. LED lights and mini lights work great in this instance since they tend to remain cooler.
Both of these types of wreathes have their advantages and disadvantages. The choice of which one works for you is entirely up to you and the preferences you have. You can make either one as a craft or purchase them at the stores or on the internet (great if you happen to need a wreath in June).
Live evergreen wreaths are usually only available during the holiday season. However, if you wish to create your own you can use any evergreen that is available in your area. Artificial wreaths are usually available all year round. You can purchase these without any decorations and add your own, this is also typical of live wreaths however you can purchase both of these completely assembled with lights and directions.
So real or unreal - the decision still come to rest on your taste and your project. Hopefully you won't lose too much sleep making that choice (or better yet do both!)