Cook outs, street tacos, and picnics are all celebrations that may require a great coleslaw. Here is my recipe. It's become a favorite with friends and family.
The key is to keep tasting the dressing until it is really flavorful and use a great mayonnaise like Dukes.
Here are the ingredients. Mix everything but the coleslaw mix together then add the cabbage. Toss, chill, and serve. See a demo in the video below!
- 2 small bags cabbage
- 1 cup white Duke's Mayonnaise
- 1/4 c sugar
- 1/4 c white vinegar of choice
- A healthy squirt or two of siracha
- Garlic salt
- Garlic powder
- Salt/pepper
Simple directions: Whisk dressing together, taste, adjust, add cabbage, and toss. Let sit at least half an hour.
I enjoyed making a video of this recipe live for Facebook. Here is that video on youtube.